Solaris is a Unix operating system originally developed by Sun Microsystems. Solaris is most advanced enterprise operating system. It delivers security, speed, and simplicity for enterprise

Monday, July 13, 2020

How to Set Up the Control Domain

1. Determine whether you have cryptographic devices in the control domain.
Note that only UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, and SPARC T3 platforms have
cryptographic devices (MAUs). Because newer platforms, such as SPARC T4 systems and
Fujitsu M10 systems, do not have separate cryptographic units, there is no need to assign a
cryptographic accelerator on these platforms.
primary# ldm list -o crypto primary

2. Assign cryptographic resources to the control domain, if applicable.
The following example would assign one cryptographic resource to the control domain,
primary. This leaves the remainder of the cryptographic resources available to a guest domain.
primary# ldm set-mau 1 primary

3. Assign virtual CPUs to the control domain.
For example, the following command would assign 8 virtual CPUs to the control domain,
primary. This leaves the remainder of the virtual CPUs available to a guest domain.
primary# ldm set-vcpu 8 primary

4. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the control domain.
primary# ldm start-reconf primary

5. Assign memory to the control domain.
For example, the following command would assign 4 gigabytes of memory to the control
domain, primary. This leaves the remainder of the memory available to a guest domain.
primary# ldm set-memory 4G primary

6. Add a logical domain machine configuration to the service processor (SP).
For example, the following command would add a configuration called initial.
primary# ldm add-config initial

7. Verify that the configuration is ready to be used at the next reboot.
primary# ldm list-config
initial [current]
This ldm list-config command shows that the initial configuration set will be used after
you perform a power cycle.

Create Primary Control Domain:-
root@proddb01:~# svcadm enable ldmd
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary

root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net1 primary-vsw0 primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm list-services primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm set-vcpu 32 primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm start-reconf primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm set-memory 64G primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-config initial
root@proddb01:~# ldm list-config
initial [current]
root@proddb01:~# shutdown -y -i 6


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