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Listing several basic hardware and software troubleshooting steps with respect to operating systems, software programs, and computer hardware.

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Data center hardware advances target new workloads such as big data processing, as well as higher efficiency for existing apps and services. The best server hardware for your data center depends on existing and planned application architectures, data center operations staff skills and of course the IT budget.

Monday, July 13, 2020

How to Use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart Feature on an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain

Note – The Oracle Solaris JumpStart feature is only available for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. To
perform an automated installation of the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, you can use the Automated
Installer (AI) feature. See Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.1
Automated Installer.

Modify your JumpStart profile to reflect this change.
A virtual disk can appear either as a full disk or as a single-slice disk. The Oracle Solaris OS can
be installed on a full disk by using a regular JumpStart profile that specifies multiple partitions.
A single-slice disk only has a single partition, s0, that uses the entire disk. To install the Oracle
Solaris OS on a single disk, you must use a profile that has a single partition (/) that uses the
entire disk.

■ JumpStart profile for installing a UFS root file system.
Normal UFS Profile
filesys c1t1d0s0 free /
filesys c1t1d0s1 2048 swap
filesys c1t1d0s5 120 /spare1
filesys c1t1d0s6 120 /spare2
Actual UFS Profile for Installing aDomain on a Full Disk
filesys c0d0s0 free /
filesys c0d0s1 2048 swap
filesys c0d0s5 120 /spare1
filesys c0d0s6 120 /spare2
Actual UFS Profile for Installing aDomain on a Single-Slice Disk
filesys c0d0s0 free /

■ JumpStart profile for installing a ZFS root file system.
Normal ZFS Profile
pool rpool auto 2G 2G c1t1d0s0
Actual ZFS Profile for Installing aDomain
pool rpool auto 2G 2G c0d0s0

Howto Install the Oracle Solaris OS on aGuest Domain Froman Oracle Solaris ISO File

1. Stop and unbind the guest domain (ldg1).
primary# ldm stop ldg1
primary# ldm unbind ldg1

2. Add the Oracle Solaris ISO file as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
The following uses solarisdvd.iso as the Oracle Solaris ISO file, iso_vol@primary-vds0 as a
secondary volume, and vdisk_iso as a virtual disk:
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /export/solarisdvd.iso iso_vol@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1
The following uses solarisdvd.iso as the Oracle Solaris ISO file, which is stored on the
server1 server. iso_vol@primary-vds0 is a secondary volume, and vdisk_iso is a virtual disk.
The lofiadm command attaches a block device to the ISO image.
primary# lofiadm -a /net/server1/solarisdvd.iso
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/lofi/1 iso_vol@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1

3. Check to see that the Oracle Solaris ISO file is added as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
primary# ldm list-bindings
primary active -n-cv SP 4 4G 0.2% 22h 45m
primary-vds0 vol1 /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2
iso_vol /export/solarisdvd.iso
ldg1 inactive ----- 60 6G
vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0
vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0

4. Bind and start the guest domain (ldg1).
primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1
LDom ldg1 started
primary# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ’^]’.
Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....
Press ~? for control options ..

5. Showthe device aliases in the clientOpenBoot PROM.
In this example, see the device aliases for vdisk_iso, which is the Oracle Solaris ISO image, and
vdisk_install, which is the disk space.
ok devalias
vdisk_iso /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1
vdisk1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0
vnet1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0
virtual-console /virtual-devices/console@1
name aliases

6. On the guest domain's console, boot fromvdisk_iso (disk@1) on slice f.
ok boot vdisk_iso:f
Boot device: /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1:f File and args: -s
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983-2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

7. Continue with the Oracle Solaris OS installation menu.

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

1. Insert the Oracle Solaris 10 OS or Oracle Solaris 11 OS DVD into the DVD drive.

2. Stop the volume management daemon, vold(1M), on the primary domain.
primary# svcadm disable volfs

3. Stop and unbind the guest domain (ldg1).
primary# ldm stop ldg1
primary# ldm unbind ldg1

4. Add the DVD with the DVD-ROM media as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
The following uses c0t0d0s2 as theDVDdrive in which the Oracle Solaris media resides,
dvd_vol@primary-vds0 as a secondary volume, and vdisk_cd_media as a virtual disk.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=ro /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 dvd_vol@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1

5. Check to see that the DVD is added as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
primary# ldm list-bindings
primary active -n-cv SP 4 4G 0.2% 22h 45m
primary-vds0 vol1 /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2
dvd_vol /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2
ldg1 inactive ----- 60 6G
vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0
vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0

6. Bind and start the guest domain (ldg1).
primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1
LDom ldg1 started
primary# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ’^]’.
Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....
Press ~? for control options ..

7. Show the device aliases in the clientOpenBoot PROM.
In this example, see the device aliases for vdisk_cd_media, which is the Oracle SolarisDVD,
and vdisk1, which is a virtual disk on which you can install the Oracle Solaris OS.
ok devalias
vdisk_cd_media /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1
vdisk1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0
vnet1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0
virtual-console /virtual-devices/console@1
name aliases

8. On the guest domain's console, boot fromvdisk_cd_media (disk@1) on slice f.
ok boot vdisk_cd_media:f
Boot device: /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1:f File and args: -s
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
Copyright (c), 1983-2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

9. Continue with the Oracle Solaris OS installation menu.

Creating and Starting a Guest Domain

The guest domain must run an operating system that understands both the sun4v platform and
the virtual devices presented by the hypervisor. Currently, this means that you must run at least
the Oracle Solaris 10 11/06 OS. Running the Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 OS provides you with all the
OracleVMServer for SPARC 3.0 features. See the OracleVMServer for SPARC 3.0 Release Notes
for any specific patches that might be necessary. Once you have created default services and
reallocated resources from the control domain, you can create and start a guest domain.

1. Create a logical domain.
For example, the following command would create a guest domain named ldg1.
primary# ldm add-domain ldg1

2. Add CPUs to the guest domain.
For example, the following command would add eight virtual CPUs to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vcpu 8 ldg1

3. Add memory to the guest domain.
For example, the following command would add 2 gigabytes of memory to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-memory 2G ldg1

4. Add a virtual network device to the guest domain.
For example, the following command would add a virtual network device with these specifics to
the guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vnet vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1
■ vnet1 is a unique interface name to the logical domain, assigned to this virtual network
device instance for reference on subsequent set-vnet or remove-vnet subcommands.
■ primary-vsw0 is the name of an existing network service (virtual switch) to which to

5. Specify the device to be exported by the virtual disk server as a virtual disk to the guest domain.
You can export a physical disk, disk slice, volumes, or file as a block device. The following
examples show a physical disk and a file.
■ Physical Disk Example. The first example adds a physical disk with these specifics.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2 vol1@primary-vds0
■ /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2 is the path name of the actual physical device. When adding a
device, the path name must be paired with the device name.
■ vol1 is a unique name you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk
server. The volume name must be unique to this virtual disk server instance, because this
name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a
device, the volume name must be paired with the path name of the actual device.
■ primary-vds0 is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.
■ File Example. This second example is exporting a file as a block device.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev backend vol1@primary-vds0
■ backend is the path name of the actual file exported as a block device. When adding a
device, the back end must be paired with the device name.
■ vol1 is a unique name you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk
server. The volume name must be unique to this virtual disk server instance, because this
name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a
device, the volume name must be paired with the path name of the actual device.
■ primary-vds0 is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.

6. Add a virtual disk to the guest domain.
The following example adds a virtual disk to the guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 ldg1
■ vdisk1 is the name of the virtual disk.
■ vol1 is the name of the existing volume to which to connect.
■ primary-vds0 is the name of the existing virtual disk server to which to connect.

7. Set the auto-boot? and boot-device variables for the guest domain.
The first example command sets auto-boot? to true for guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true ldg1
The second example command sets boot-device to vdisk1 for guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm set-var boot-device=vdisk1 ldg1

8. Bind resources to the guest domain ldg1 and then list the domain to verify that it is bound.
primary# ldm bind-domain ldg1
primary# ldm list-domain ldg1
ldg1 bound ----- 5000 8 2G

9. To find the console port of the guest domain, you can look at the output of the preceding
list-domain subcommand.
You can see under the heading CONS that logical domain guest 1 (ldg1) has its console output
bound to port 5000.

10. Connect to the console of a guest domain fromanother terminal by logging into the control
domain and connecting directly to the console port on the local host.
$ ssh hostname.domain-name
$ telnet localhost 5000

11. Start the guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm start-domain ldg1

Create Logical domain (guest VM):-
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-domain erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vcpu 128 erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-memory 440G erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vnet vnet1 primary-vsw0 erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c0t000B08000C004050d0 vol1@primary-vds0
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vdisk vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm set-var boot-device=vdisk1 erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm bind-domain erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm list-domain erpdbnode01
erpdbnode01      bound      ------  5000    128   440G                
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vdsdev /u02/sol-11_1-text-sparc.iso s10u7iso@primary-vds0
Failed to add device /u02/sol-11_1-text-sparc.iso
as s10u7iso@primary-vds0 because this device is already exported on LDom primary.
Volume s10u7iso already exists in vds primary-vds0
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_iso s10u7iso@primary-vds0 erpdbnode01
root@proddb01:~# ldm bind-domain erpdbnode01
LDom erpdbnode01 cannot be bound because it is already bound
root@proddb01:~# ldm list-bindings -e erpdbnode01

Enabling Networking Between the Control/Service Domain andOther Domains

By default, networking between the control domain and other domains in the system is
disabled. To enable this, the virtual switch device should be configured as a network device. The
virtual switch can either replace the underlying physical device (nxge0 in this example) as the
primary interface or be configured as an additional network interface in the domain.
Guest domains can automatically communicate with the control domain or service domain as
long as the corresponding network back-end device is configured in the same virtual LANor
virtual network.

How to Configure theVirtual Switch as the Primary Interface
1. Print the addressing information for all interfaces.
primary# ifconfig -a

2. Configure the virtual switch network interface.
primary# ifconfig vsw0 plumb

3. Remove the physical interface for the device that is assigned to the virtual switch (net-dev).
primary# ifconfig nxge0 down unplumb

4. To migrate properties of the physical network device (nxge0) to the virtual switch device (vsw0),
do one of the following:

■ If networking is configured by using a static IP address, reuse the IP address and netmask of
nxge0 for the virtual switch.
primary# ifconfig vsw0 IP-of-nxge0 netmask netmask-of-nxge0 broadcast + up

■ If networking is configured by using DHCP, enable DHCP for the virtual switch.
primary# ifconfig vsw0 dhcp start

5 Make the required configuration file modifications to make this change permanent.
primary# mv /etc/hostname.nxge0 /etc/hostname.vsw0
primary# mv /etc/dhcp.nxge0 /etc/dhcp.vsw0

Enabling the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon
Use the svcadm command to enable the virtual network terminal server daemon, vntsd.
primary# svcadm enable vntsd

Use the svcs command to verify that the vntsd daemon is enabled.
primary# svcs vntsd
online       Oct_08     svc:/ldoms/vntsd:default

Rebooting toUse Logical Domains

You must reboot the control domain for the configuration changes to take effect and for the
resources to be released for other logical domains to use.

Shut downand reboot the control domain.
primary# shutdown -y -g0 -i6

Note – Either a reboot or power cycle instantiates the new configuration. Only a power cycle
actually boots the configuration saved to the service processor (SP), which is then reflected in
the list-config output.

How to Set Up the Control Domain

1. Determine whether you have cryptographic devices in the control domain.
Note that only UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, and SPARC T3 platforms have
cryptographic devices (MAUs). Because newer platforms, such as SPARC T4 systems and
Fujitsu M10 systems, do not have separate cryptographic units, there is no need to assign a
cryptographic accelerator on these platforms.
primary# ldm list -o crypto primary

2. Assign cryptographic resources to the control domain, if applicable.
The following example would assign one cryptographic resource to the control domain,
primary. This leaves the remainder of the cryptographic resources available to a guest domain.
primary# ldm set-mau 1 primary

3. Assign virtual CPUs to the control domain.
For example, the following command would assign 8 virtual CPUs to the control domain,
primary. This leaves the remainder of the virtual CPUs available to a guest domain.
primary# ldm set-vcpu 8 primary

4. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the control domain.
primary# ldm start-reconf primary

5. Assign memory to the control domain.
For example, the following command would assign 4 gigabytes of memory to the control
domain, primary. This leaves the remainder of the memory available to a guest domain.
primary# ldm set-memory 4G primary

6. Add a logical domain machine configuration to the service processor (SP).
For example, the following command would add a configuration called initial.
primary# ldm add-config initial

7. Verify that the configuration is ready to be used at the next reboot.
primary# ldm list-config
initial [current]
This ldm list-config command shows that the initial configuration set will be used after
you perform a power cycle.

Create Primary Control Domain:-
root@proddb01:~# svcadm enable ldmd
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary

root@proddb01:~# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net1 primary-vsw0 primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm list-services primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm set-vcpu 32 primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm start-reconf primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm set-memory 64G primary
root@proddb01:~# ldm add-config initial
root@proddb01:~# ldm list-config
initial [current]
root@proddb01:~# shutdown -y -i 6

Initial Configuration of the Control Domain

Initially, all system resources are allocated to the control domain. To allow the creation of other
logical domains, you must release some of these resources.

Do not attempt to use memory dynamic reconfiguration (DR) to perform the initial
configuration of the control domain. Although you can use memoryDR to perform this
configuration without needing a reboot, it is not recommended. The memoryDR approach
might take a very long time (longer than a reboot) and could even potentially fail. Instead, use
the ldm start-reconf command to place the control domain in delayed reconfiguration mode
before you change the memory configuration. Then, you can reboot the control domain after
you complete all the configuration steps.

Setting Up Services and the Control Domain

Howto Create Default Services
1. Create a virtual console concentrator (vcc) service for use by the virtual network terminal server
daemon (vntsd) and as a concentrator for all logical domain consoles.
For example, the following command would add a virtual console concentrator service
(primary-vcc0) with a port range from 5000 to 5100 to the control domain (primary).
primary# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary

2. Create a virtual disk server (vds) to allowimporting virtual disks into a logical domain.
For example, the following command adds a virtual disk server (primary-vds0) to the control
domain (primary).
primary# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary

3. Create a virtual switch service (vsw) to enable networking between virtual network (vnet)
devices in logical domains.
Assign a GLDv3-compliant network adapter to the virtual switch if each logical domain must
communicate outside the box through the virtual switch.
■ In Oracle Solaris 10, add a virtual switch service on network adapter driver to the control
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net-driver vsw-service primary
For example, the following command adds a virtual switch service (primary-vsw0) on
network adapter driver nxge0 to the control domain (primary):
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=nxge0 primary-vsw0 primary

■ In Oracle Solaris 11, add a virtual switch service (primary-vsw0) on network adapter driver
net0 to the control domain (primary):
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net-driver vsw-service primary
For example, the following command adds a virtual switch service (primary-vsw0) on
network adapter driver net0 to the control domain (primary):
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary

■ The following applies to the Oracle Solaris 10 OS only and should not be performed on an
Oracle Solaris 11 system.

This command automatically allocates aMAC address to the virtual switch. You can specify
your ownMAC address as an option to the ldm add-vsw command. However, in that case, it
is your responsibility to ensure that theMAC address specified does not conflict with an
already existingMAC address.

If the virtual switch being added replaces the underlying physical adapter as the primary
network interface, it must be assigned theMAC address of the physical adapter, so that the
DynamicHost Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server assigns the domain the same IP
address. See “EnablingNetworking Between the Control/ServiceDomain and Other
Domains” on page 61.
primary# ldm add-vsw mac-addr=2:04:4f:fb:9f:0d net-dev=nxge0 primary-vsw0 primary

4. Verify the services have been created by using the list-services subcommand.
Your output should look similar to the following:
primary# ldm list-services primary


NAME             VOLUME         OPTIONS         DEVICE

NAME                 PORT-RANGE
primary-vcc0         5000-5100

NAME                 MAC                   NET-DEV     DEVICE         MODE
primary-vsw0      02:04:4f:fb:9f:0d nxge0             switch@0       prog,promisc